Wednesday 1 October 2008

Mainland Shetland; Day 5

A brief look around Hoswick didn't hold much. Garry, John, Liz and myself went out looking for a Pec Sand somewhere, while Dan searched the Hoswick - Sandwick area. Neither of us had anything, until the pager started to release the news on Fair Isle that morning, Lanceolated and 2 White's Thrush, i needed both, Garry and John needed a Lancy, and Dan needed none of them. We booked ourselves straight onto a flight mid-afternoon - returning the following day. Unfortunately winds were high, so didn't fly. We arranged for flights to go the next morning if still present.

Meanwhile time was pushing on, and reports of a Hornemann's rctic Redpoll were coming through from Unst, at Norwick, once we realised we couldnt fly, we bombed it up to Unst. Actually taking a fair while, considering the ferry links, and a fully full car. It took a few minutes, but when it almost landed on Liz, it made itself easy to pick up on.

The Hornemann's showed down to just a couple of metres at time feeding in the cattle feeders with Greenlands (bottom). Couldnt have asked for anything better (c) Ashley Howe

It showed unbelievably well with 5+ Greenland Redpolls, a Brambling was on the wires, a Spotted Fly was along the fence and a Lesser Whitethroat showed well.

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